Summerlin is made up of many different neighborhoods.
One in particular though, is trying anything they can to bring some liveliness to the neighborhood during this time.
The Willows section, a very small neighborhood, have residents who check on each other during this quarantine.
Last Friday, late afternoon everyone in the neighborhood came out to their driveways, and made a lot of noise for about 2 minutes.
They honked car horns, banged on pots and pans, anything they could to just let each other know they’re not alone in this isolation.
There is also something going on called a “bear hunt” in this community.
Going on nationally, this community is taking part as well, where you place a teddy bear in the window for kids and their parents to look for when they’re out for a walk around the neighborhood.
The residents that were interviewed stated that everyone is just trying to make the best of things.
Summerlin is an amazing place to be, and it has something for everyone.
Contact us today to learn more about Las Vegas’s popular community of Summerlin.